Originally published The US presidential candidates are not confronting the nuclear threat that haunts the world on by https://globalsecurityreview.com/decoding-the-language-of-precision-warfare/ at Global Security Review
By: Robert Jay Lifton for the Bulletin
Quo Vadis Earth??
The candidates in the coming election in the United States have said little, certainly nothing coherently, about nuclear weapons
Yet those weapons continue to haunt us, even as they move in and out of our conscious awareness. We are reminded of this disconnect by the recent revelation of a shift in the American strategy of “nuclear deterrence” to give greater emphasis to China because of evidence of its rapid build-up of the weapons.1 That strategy change suggests China has been granted the dubious status of player in the game of bringing an end to humanity.
This “nuclear end,” as we came to call it in the antinuclear movement, was oddly treated in the recent Musk interview of Trump. Trump spoke vaguely of “nuclear warming,” though he has constantly dismissed the danger of climate change. Musk referred to the relatively rapid rebuilding of Nagasaki as a thriving city, failing to recognize that reconstruction was possible only because of the existence of an outside world to bring the necessary energy and know-how for such rebuilding.
Originally published The US presidential candidates are not confronting the nuclear threat that haunts the world on by https://globalsecurityreview.com/decoding-the-language-of-precision-warfare/ at Global Security Review
Originally published Global Security Review