Radiation levels mysteriously spike along Norway’s border with Russia

Originally published Radiation levels mysteriously spike along Norway’s border with Russia on by https://globalsecurityreview.com/decoding-the-language-of-precision-warfare/ at Global Security Review

Radiation levels mysteriously spike along Norway’s border with Russia – as it’s claimed activity has been seen at test site for Putin’s ‘Flying Chernobyl’ nuclear missile | Daily Mail Online

  • It’s claimed activity has been seen at test site for Putin’s ‘Flying Chernobyl’ nuclear missile
  • Fears that traces could relate to a Russian test site for a nuclear missile

By: WILL STEWART for the UK Daily Mail  // PUBLISHED: 10:47 EDT, 17 September 2024 | UPDATED: 11:12 EDT, 17 September 2024

Traces of radioactive Cesium-137 have been measured along Norway’s border with Russia, it was revealed today.

The radiation levels are ‘clearly’ higher than normal, authorities have said, and the cause of the mysterious spike is unknown. One fear is that it could relate to Russia’s Pankovo test site for the Burevestnik – a nuclear-powered, nuclear-armed cruise missile – on the Novaya Zemlya archipelago. The experimental weapon, known as Vladimir Putin‘s ‘Flying Chernobyl‘, is intended to be capable of remaining in the air for days or even weeks as it probes weaknesses in Western defences.

Originally published Radiation levels mysteriously spike along Norway’s border with Russia on by https://globalsecurityreview.com/decoding-the-language-of-precision-warfare/ at Global Security Review

Originally published Global Security Review

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