Originally published ChatNC3: Can the US trust AI in nuclear command, control and communications? on by https://globalsecurityreview.com/columbia-class-the-submarine-the-u-s-navy-is-desperate-for/ at Global Security Review
Trump Wants Iron Dome for America. How the Space Force Is Key
By: Chris Gordon for ir & Space Forces
President Donald Trump has directed the Pentagon to prepare a sweeping plan within 60 days on how to defend the American homeland against attacks from Russian and Chinese missiles and other aerial threats.
Dubbed “Iron Dome for America,” the initiative is outlined in an Executive Order issued on Jan. 27. The directive calls for a comprehensive air and missile defense strategy, with a heavy emphasis on space-based interceptors that could knock out attacking intercontinental ballistic missiles. “The threat of attack by ballistic, hypersonic, and cruise missiles, and other advanced aerial attacks, remains the most catastrophic threat facing the United States,” the order states.
Originally published ChatNC3: Can the US trust AI in nuclear command, control and communications? on by https://globalsecurityreview.com/columbia-class-the-submarine-the-u-s-navy-is-desperate-for/ at Global Security Review
Originally published Global Security Review