Originally published EMSO Update on by http://www.govevents.com/details/82914/emso-update/ at Gov Events
Today’s wars in Ukraine and Israel highlight the criticality of sensing and understanding on the battlefield. Despite ubiquitous satellite, airborne, and terrestrial surveillance, combatants on both sides of these conflicts have been surprised, with sometimes catastrophic results. The US military should embrace the resulting lessons as it considers how to counter Chinese forces in China’s own back yard. Survival in this highly-contested environment will depend on mobility and distribution, carefully orchestrated with electromagnetic warfare, while massing effects will require sensing and communications the enemy cannot detect and counter-target. This webinar will highlight current trends in US military force design and operational concepts and how they will rely on new approaches to EMSO.
Speaker and Presenter Information
Bryan Clark is a senior fellow at Hudson Institute. He is an expert in naval operations, electronic warfare, autonomous systems, military competitions, and wargaming. From 2013 to 2019, Mr. Clark was as senior fellow at the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments (CSBA) where he led studies for the DoD Office of Net Assessment, Office of the Secretary of Defense, and Defense Advanced Research Products Agency on new technologies and the future of warfare.
Relevant Government Agencies
DOD & Military, Other Federal Agencies, Federal Government
Originally published EMSO Update on by http://www.govevents.com/details/82914/emso-update/ at Gov Events
Originally published Gov Events