Originally published The MQ-4C Triton: Poseidon’s Unmanned Herald on by https://www.defenseindustrydaily.com/kicking-it-up-a-notch-poseidons-unmanned-bams-companion-3-0240354/ at DefenseIndustryDaily
https://www.defenseindustrydaily.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/AIR_BAMS_Gulfstream-II_Test_Bed.jpgBAMS Operation Concept (click to view full) The world’s P-3 Orion fleets have served for a long time, and many are reaching the end of their lifespans. In the USA, and possibly beyond, the new P-8 Poseidon Multi-mission Maritime Aircraft will take up the P-3’s role. While the P-8’s base 737-based airframe offers strong service & maintenance arguments in its favor, the airframe is expensive enough that the P-3s cannot be replaced on a 1:1 basis. In order to extend the P-8 fleet’s reach, and provide additional capabilities, the Poseidon was expected to work with at least one companion UAV platform. This DID FOCUS Article explains the winning BAMS (Broad Area Maritime Surveillance) concept, the program’s key requirements, and its international angle. We’ll also cover ongoing contracts and key events related to the program, which chose Northrop Grumman’s navalized MQ-4C Triton Global Hawk variant. Next-Gen Maritime Patrol Systems: Issues and Options USN ERJ-145 ACS concept The P-3 fleet’s heavy use in both maritime surveillance and overland roles points up a potential problem with its successor the P-8A Poseidon. The 737-based aircraft will be bought in fewer numbers than the aircraft it replaces, but its high end Littoral Surveillance Radar System […]
Originally published DefenseIndustryDaily